I can say as a completly modern gamer, one who played l.a noire and missed being able to pop suspects in the legs to make the chase easier, who looks forward to my third generation of sims getting phycic powers and who has never played a non human in skyrim because the general forum has instilled hatred of furries, this is the most addictive game I've ever played.
Long story short, old school fallout with steampunk and magic. There are guns, but they kind of suck. The punisher fan within me grieves this. However I have a spell that lets me taunt the dead. That beats a busted kneecap any day.
I was lent this game buy a severly awesome person who insisted I see how much of todays games are cripped from this. Lots of skyrim, notible sections of warcraft, and if I could ever level up a gun guy probably the ability to do speed damage through a critical hit to the knee.
If someone copied the sheep you can have sex with I do not want to know.
look at this man and his silly dinosaurs. He's so silly